Hot weather & drought continue hitting nationwide

According to the latest weather reported by the central Hydrology Meteorology Forecast Center, the Northern, central and southern region will continue facing additional heat waves within next ten days, and a long- term drought next months.

(Photo: SGGP)

(Photo: SGGP)

With the bad weather condition, the northern and central provinces are warned dry weather and serious water shortages.

Because of influence of the weather phenomenon EI Nino, the temperature nationwide will be higher than previous years; affecting directly to rainfall shortages from June to August.

The central Hydrology Meteorology Forecast Center reported that 35- 38 degrees Celsius heat waves will return the northern region on June 1- 11 because of effect of the hot westward low pressure zone.

By June 8- 11, the temperature will reach at 35- 36 degrees Celsius.

Not only the northern region but as well the southern central provinces will continue to be affected by extreme hot and dry weather with its highest temperature at 36- 39 degrees Celsius, even up to over 40 degrees Celsius in some places.

Long- term heat waves without rain will cause water shortage level on local rivers of the central and central highlands provinces.

From June to August, the temperature nationwide will increase at 0, 5- 1 degree Celsius in comparison with previous years. Accordingly, dry weather condition will last until September.

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