High tide floods city in dry season

An unexpected high tide resulted by super moon will increase and remain at high level for four next days in Ho Chi Minh City, causing floods amid dry season, said the meteorological and hydrological station in southern region in a report on weather forecast.

Floods caused by high tides plunged city streets in 2008.
Floods caused by high tides plunged city streets in 2008.

The peak of water level on Saigon River may reach 1.42m-1.45m and high tide appears every morning and evening, approximating to the historical tides in 2008.

District 12, Binh Thanh, Thu Duc, Go Vap and Cu Chi are the tide-affected areas.
The city’s Standing Committee for Flood and Storm Prevention, Search and Rescue asked district authorities to be ready for bad situation, aiming to avoid damage caused by high tides together with northeast monsoon.

The locals were also required to set up task groups to keep watch on the situation.

There were some cases of broken dykes in the city last year as tide reached record high and suburban city was plunged into water, which caused damage at many flower farms and orchards.

The record high tide in 48 years occured in 2008 when its peak reached 1.50m.

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