The National Hydro Meteorological Center has forecast that the current heat wave will continue for the next two to three days.

Yesterday was the second day that the severe hot weather conditions prevailed in the country.
The northern provinces of Dien Bien, Son La and Lai Chau and the central provinces of Thanh Hoa, Nghe An, Ha Tinh, Quang Binh and Quang Tri are facing the highest temperatures from 37-38 degrees Celsius on wide area.
The hot westward low-pressure zones, which are causing the present scorching conditions, will further create hot and dry southwesterly winds in the northwest, central and southeast areas of the country within the next couple of days.
In related news, typhoon ‘Aere’ is forming along the southeast of Luzon Island off the Philippine coast near the East Sea, according to the national weather bureau.
As of 7am this morning, the typhoon was centered at 13.6 degrees on the northern latitude and 122.5 degrees on the eastern longitude.
Strong winds moving at 75-88 kilometers per hour and gusts at 89-117 kilometers per hour were reported near the storm epicenter.
Within the next 24 hours, the storm will move northwards at 20 kilometers an hour.
By 7am tomorrow, its position will be 180 kilometers south of Taiwan (China). It is expected to create strong winds in the northeastern part of the East Sea, which has been very rough of late.