Heat wave grips whole country

Meteorological experts reported that a heatwave has been gripping the whole country due to an ongoing subtropical high.

According to the National Center for Hydrological and Meteorological Forecasting, as of the afternoon of June 29, the area of Hoa Binh Province, the northern midlands, the Red River Delta and the Central region were scorched by severe heat temperatures ranging from 35 degrees Celsius to above 37 degrees Celsius.

It is forecast that the heatwave will be more severe with a maximum temperature of up to 39 degrees Celsius in the next two days.

The weather conditions over the Southern and Central Highlands regions are getting more unpredictable when rains pour down in the morning and suddenly clear out in the afternoon. The sunshine will tend to be stronger and more regular.

The climate pattern is expected to last until the first days of July.

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