The tournament concluded after the competition day on May 19 in Vientiane, Laos. In the final standings, the Vietnamese bodybuilding team secured a total of nine gold medals, nine silver medals, and six bronze medals, claiming the top spot in the overall rankings.
The coaching staff of the Vietnamese bodybuilding team highlighted that the team topped the men's team standings and secured second place in the women's team standings with their exceptional performance.
The gold medalists for the Vietnamese bodybuilding team this time include Le Hong Phong (60kg men's bodybuilding), Nguyen Trong Khanh (75kg men's bodybuilding), Nguyen Van Quang (men's bodybuilding, 50-60 age group), Ta Phuc Nhat Tan (men's Fitness), Chau Nguyen Kha (classic physique, up to 1.60m tall), Ta Phuc Nhat Tan (classic physique, height up to 1.67m), Le Vinh Kha (classic physique, height over 1.75m), Ha Thi Thanh Trang (classic physique, height over 1.65m), and Tran Thi Thanh Tam/Chuyen Nguyen Kha (mixed pair).
Last year, at the Southeast Asia Championship, the Vietnamese bodybuilding team also secured nine gold medals and topped the overall standings.
The 18th Southeast Asia Bodybuilding and Physique Sports Championships featured participants from Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, Brunei, Laos, Cambodia, Timor Leste, and Myanmar. Currently, there are indications that bodybuilding may be included in the competition program of the 33rd SEA Games in Thailand, although the organizing committee has yet to make an official announcement. Bodybuilding was excluded from the competition program of the 32nd SEA Games held in Cambodia. This year's Southeast Asia Championship is also Vietnam's inaugural participation in an international championship within the regional championship system.