Reservoirs nearly overflow, hydropower plants release floodwaters

Heavy rainfall has swollen the Cau and Ca Lo Rivers in Hanoi while three major hydropower plants in Northern Vietnam have been forced to release floodwaters following the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development’s request.

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Hoa Binh Hydropower Plant releases water

According to a flood warning issued by Hanoi authorities, most reservoirs in Soc Son, Ba Vi, Thach That, Quoc Oai, Chuong My, and My Duc districts in the capital city are full and at risk of overflowing.

Following the complex ongoing heavy rain, flooding, and inundation in Hanoi, particularly in the suburban districts of Chuong My, Quoc Oai, and Thach That, the Hanoi Steering Committee for Disaster Prevention and Search and Rescue has just issued a dispatch on measures to minimize casualties and proactively respond to rain, floods, and landslides.

The committee has requested district people's committees along with agencies in the city to continue to strictly implement the directives of the Central Government and the city.

Under the committee’s order, local authorities and agencies must closely monitor weather conditions and natural disasters and proactively have response measures. They must also intensify efforts to disseminate information and educate the public on the skills needed to respond to heavy rain, floods, landslides, and inundation so that people are aware and can take proactive measures to prevent and mitigate risks.


Simultaneously, local administrations must conduct a thorough review and supplement forces to ensure traffic safety through submerged crossings, areas that have experienced landslides or are at risk of landslides, and deeply flooded areas with strong currents.

Due to the heavy rainfall in the northern mountainous and midland regions, local authorities have issued a Level 1 flood warning for the Ca Lo River and a Level 2 flood warning for the Cau River. Notably, most of the reservoirs located in the districts of Soc Son, Ba Vi, Thach That, Quoc Oai, Chuong My, and My Duc have reached their full capacity and are at risk of overflowing.

Soc Son District has been requested to immediately notify people and organizations operating on and along the rivers, riverine aquaculture facilities, construction sites, ferry terminals, and businesses involved in sand extraction of the situation so that they can proactively take measures and adjust their activities accordingly.

This morning, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development ordered three major hydropower plants in Northern Vietnam namely Hoa Binh, Son La and Tuyen Quang to open five floodgates from this afternoon and evening.

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