HCMC Chairman: City determined to achieve goals as per Party GS's expectations

Chairman of the People’s Committee of Ho Chi Minh City Phan Van Mai emphasized the city’s determination to achieve its development goals and live up to the trust placed in it by Party General Secretary (GS) Nguyen Phu Trong.

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Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong (R) shakes hands with HCMC Chairman Phan Van Mai (C) and HCMC Party Secretary Nguyen Van Nen (L)

The death of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong is an irreplaceable loss for the entire Party, armed forces, and people, including Ho Chi Minh City. Amid boundless grief, the Party organization, government, and people of Ho Chi Minh City remain steadfast under the leadership of the Party. The ideals and aspirations of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong will become a reality in building a strong Vietnam and a prosperous Ho Chi Minh City.

In an interview with a reporter of Sai Gon Giai Phong newspaper, Chairman Phan Van Mai affirmed city leaders will make concerted efforts to finish their missions following the expectations of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong paid a visit to Ho Chi Minh City on the occasion of the 77th anniversary of the Southern Resistance Day (September 23, 1945 - September 23, 2022) and nearly a year after the southern largest city reopened following the Covid-19 pandemic hold immense significance.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong acknowledged the city’s efforts and encouraged city administrators to do well in pandemic prevention and control. This encouragement serves as a powerful motivation for Ho Chi Minh City to continue its recovery and socio-economic development after the pandemic

In this visit, General Secretary Trong continued to affirm the position, role, and mission of Ho Chi Minh City, as well as the dynamic and creative tradition of the Party, government, and city dwellers. He also suggested important development directions for the city until 2030, with a vision toward 2045, aiming for HCMC to continue being a heroic city - the ‘Pearl of the Far East’.

This marks the 15th time that he has visited and worked in HCMC as General Secretary. It reflects his great affection and concern for the city.

The Politburo’s Resolution 31 on the city's development orientation until 2030 with a vision toward 2045 represents the intellectual crystallization of the Central Party Committee, the Politburo, the Party Secretariat, and General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s dedication to HCMC

The Resolution 31 has provided clear development directions for HCMC until 2030 with a vision toward 2045. It also introduces mechanisms to leverage the city’s potential and advantages as well as address existing challenges and obstacles, enabling robust development and positioning HCMC as a major economic hub and a center of growth for the region and the country in the coming years.

HCMC leaders are fully aware of the opportunity and responsibility to concretely implement the goals set by the Resolution 31. The HCMC Party Committee has issued an action program and the municipal People’s Committee has developed a detailed plan for implementing the Resolution 31, including 159 specific tasks. The city has yielded positive results from implementing the program and the resolution.

Furthermore, the National Assembly’s Resolution 98/2023/QH15 on the pilot mechanism for special development policies in HCMC aligns with the specifics outlined in the Resolution 31. HCMC is vigorously implementing this resolution and achieving visible outcomes.

The city’s planning efforts are aligned with the Resolution 31’s orientation by executing projects, programs, and initiatives based on the Resolution 31, creating strong foundational platforms and motivation for HCMC’s development to achieve the goals by 2030 and the vision for 2045, as expected by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

The Resolution 98 is a crucial resolution that helps the southern metropolis unlock its potential, address challenges, and apply breakthrough and exceptional mechanisms. It encompasses policies related to investment, finance, budget, scientific and technological development, and particularly organizational structures and operational mechanisms for HCMC. Simultaneously, it empowers the city to proactively tackle existing issues, obstacles, and new projects.

In the near future, the city will focus on amplifying the initial results, ensuring greater coherence, refinement, and meticulousness in implementation.

HCMC will mobilize social resources beyond the budget, encouraging businesses and citizens to invest and attract strategic investors through large-scale projects, such as the Can Gio International Transshipment Port.

Urban planning mechanisms, including transit-oriented development (TOD) projects and urban rail initiatives, will further enhance the city’s development. Additionally, HCMC will continue implementing policies related to scientific and technological advancement, fostering innovation and entrepreneurial investment. These efforts will serve as a new driving force for the city’s development in the coming years.

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