First Orchid Art Exhibition 2024 opens in HCMC

The first Orchid Art Exhibition 2024 promoting good orchid varieties to HCMC’s market started at Royal Hotel Saigon in the city on September 13.

At the opening ceremony of the first Orchid Art Exhibition 2024 (Photo: SGGP)

The event displays different types of orchids, especially Phalaenopsis orchids (also called moth orchids) of more than 50 businesses specializing in the production and trade of flowers.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Chairman of the Da Lat Flower Association Phan Thanh Sang said that the exhibition provides an opportunity for Da Lat flower businesses to introduce their highest quality products, especially Phalaenopsis orchids, to the HCMC market.

It is expected to become an event for enterprises to share experience in orchid production and market expansion to new markets, such as the United States and European countries, contributing to increasing export rates and deeply participating in the domestic and global flower and moth orchid production chains.

The first Orchid Art Exhibition 2024 also aims to mark the 10th Da Lat Flower Festival, which will take place in December 2024.

At the signing ceremony (Photo: SGGP)
The delegation of businesses from Taiwan (China) (Photo: SGGP)

At the event, businesses of the Central Highlands province of Lam Dong and HCMC signed consumption contracts for Tet flowers and memorandums of understanding for periodic flower supply with a total worth of more than VND36.8 billion (US$1.5 million).

On the same day, the Da Lat Flower Association organized a seminar on flower sales during the Tet holidays, flower production and consumption situation of Lam Dong Province in 2024, weather impact on flower production, a comprehensive guide for choosing healthy orchid varieties for Tet, flower preservation, packaging, storage and transport process with the participation of Vietnamese and Taiwanese businesses.

At the opening ceremony, the Da Lat Flower Association called on its members to contribute more than VND100 million (US$4,000) to support people in the Northern region affected by the typhoon.

The exhibition will last until September 15.

Let’s have a look at the beautiful pictures of orchids:


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