Cu Chi marks 57th anniversary of naming of “Land of Steel and Copper Wall” title

A ceremony marking the 57th anniversary of the day Cu Chi District awarded the title “The Land of Steel and Copper Wall” (September 17, 1967 - 2024) was held in HCMC's Cu Chi District on September 15.

Former State President Nguyen Minh Triet (L) attends the ceremony marking the 57th anniversary of the day Cu Chi District awarded the title “The land of steel and copper wall”. (Photo: SGGP)

Attending the event were Vietnamese Heroic Mother Kieu Thi Nong, former State President Nguyen Minh Triet, Standing Vice Secretary of the HCMC Party Committee Nguyen Ho Hai, Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Nam, Commander of the Military Command of HCMC, Major General Phan Van Xung, Political Commissar of the HCMC High Command, Major General Nguyen Thanh Huong, Deputy Director of the HCMC Public Security, Secretary of the Party Committee cum Chairman of the People’s Council of Cu Chi District Nguyen Quyet Thang, Director Le Van Thinh of the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs. Chairwoman of the People’s Committee of Cu Chi District Nguyen Thi Thanh Hien, and Deputy Head of the HCMC Party Committee's Commission for Mass Mobilization Tran Xuan Dien.

Standing Vice Secretary of the HCMC Party Committee Nguyen Ho Hai (L) attends the ceremony marking the 57th anniversary of the day Cu Chi District awarded the title “The land of steel and copper wall”. (Photo: SGGP)
Standing Vice Secretary of the HCMC Party Committee Nguyen Ho Hai speaks at the event. (Photo: SGGP)

Speaking at the event, Standing Vice Secretary of the HCMC Party Committee Nguyen Ho Hai expressed his sincere thanks to Vietnamese Heroic Mothers, martyrs, wounded soldiers, war veterans, and locals who have contributed to the national liberation struggle.

On September 17, 1967, the National Front for the Liberation of Southern Vietnam granted the title “The Land of Steel and Copper Wall” to Cu Chi District to recognize the district's great contribution to the final victory and enormous human and material losses during wartime.

Although the war has left serious consequences for Cu Chi heavily damaged by bombing during the war, the Party Committee, government, army, and people of the district have joined hands to overcome difficulties and challenges to achieve significant achievements, contributing to the city’s development. In addition, Cu Chi was the first district in HCMC to be recognized as a new rural district in 2015. The locality has also well-implemented policies for people credited with revolutionary service and policy beneficiary families.

The Standing Vice Secretary of the HCMC Party Committee requested the Party and government of Cu Chi District to continuously improve the quality and responsibility of cadres and civil servants, implement well preferential policy for people with meritorious services to the revolution, and strengthen the studying and following of Ho Chi Minh ideology, morality, and style.

Secretary of the Party Committee cum Chairman of the People's Council of Cu Chi District Nguyen Quyet Thang speaks at the ceremony. (Photo: SGGP)

Secretary of the Party Committee cum Chairman of the People's Council of Cu Chi District Nguyen Quyet Thang affirmed that the locality always determines that taking care of the material and spiritual lives of wounded soldiers, war veterans, families of martyrs, and people with meritorious services to the revolution is the most important task.

Cu Chi District was honored with many noble titles of the Party and State, including Hero of the People's Armed Force, Hero of Labor in the “Doi Moi” (Renewal) Period, Third-class Labor Medal, and Third-class Independence Medal in recognition of the spirit of determination and creativity in building the homeland and fighting against the Covid-19 pandemic of the locality’s collectives and individuals.

HCMC's leaders offer incense to pay tribute to heroic martyrs at Ben Duoc Monument Temple for Martyrs in Cu Chi District. (Photo: SGGP)

On this occasion, the delegation of HCMC and Cu Chi District leaders visited and gave gifts and scholarships to the Vietnamese Heroic Mothers, policy beneficiary families, and disadvantaged students.

On the same day, the delegation also offered flowers and incense to pay tribute to war Vietnamese Heroic Mothers and heroes at Ben Duoc Monument Temple for Martyrs and Martyr Cemetery of Cu Chi District.

Ben Duoc Monument Temple for Martyrs is built to commemorate martyrs and people who laid down their lives on the battlefields in Saigon - Cho Lon - Gia Dinh and made outstanding contributions to this land during the anti-French and US resistance wars for national independence and freedom. The names of 45,639 fallen soldiers are carved into a granite stone tablet and gilded with gold, including more than 9,300 martyrs from 40 other cities and provinces across the country.

Former State President Nguyen Minh Triet (6th, L) and Standing Vice Secretary of the HCMC Party Committee Nguyen Ho Hai (3rd, r) present gifts to residents in Cu Chi District. (Photo: SGGP)
Leaders of the HCMC High Command and Cu Chi District offer presents to students in the district. (Photo: SGGP)
Leaders of HCMC and Cu Chi District attend the ceremony. (Photo: SGGP)
HCMC's leaders offer incense to pay tribute to heroic martyrs at Cu Chi District Martyrs' Cemetery. (Photo: SGGP)

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