1,500 yogis perform in HCMC on 10th International Yoga Day

The 10th International Yoga Day was marked in HCMC on June 21 with 1,500 yogis performing basic yoga postures together in District 1.

1,500 yogis perform yoga postures together in District 1, HCMC on the 10th International Yoga Day (Photo: VNA)

The program was jointly held by the Indian Consulate General in HCMC and the municipal Union of Friendship Organisations to form parts of the celebrations of the 52nd anniversary of the Vietnam-India diplomatic relations and the 77th Independence Day of India.

Opening the event, Indian Consul General in HCMC Madan Mohan Sethi said that this year’s International Yoga Day, themed "Yoga for self and society", aims to highlight the spirit of oneness and harmony, and social wellness.

The annual event is expected to enhance public awareness of the effects of yoga in connecting people, balancing life, and maintaining mental and physical health, he said.

Vice Chairman of the municipal Department of Culture and Sports Nguyen Nam Nhan said that the International Yoga Day has been celebrated annually in HCMC since 2015, drawing a large number of locals, contributing to promoting cultural exchanges, friendship, and cooperation between residents of the city in particular and Vietnamese people as a whole with Indian people.

Nhan said he hopes that the event will continue to serve as a cultural bridge for the two peoples, helping further spread the sport's popularity in the city and Vietnam, thus contributing to improving the wellness of people.

Yoga is a 5,000-year-old traditional cultural sport of ancient India, combining physical, mental, and spiritual activities to achieve harmony of body and mind. In 2014, the United Nations General Assembly declared June 21 every year as the International Yoga Day.

This year, the day will be marked in 40 cities and provinces across Vietnam.

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