Tropical storm newly forms in East Sea

A tropical low-pressure system has just developed into a storm, internationally named Maliksi.

The first storm formed in East Sea.

The National Center for Hydrology Meteorology Forecasting reported that the tropical low-pressure system intensified into a storm in the northern part of the Paracel Islands on May 31 dusk to become the first storm to hit the East Sea this year.

Since May 31 afternoon, many places have been experiencing rainfall events.

At 1 p.m. on Friday, the eye of the storm was at approximately 20.7 degrees North latitude and 111.8 degrees East longitude in the southern territorial waters of Guangdong Province (China), with wind speed near the eye of the storm reaching 89-102 kilometers per hour.

The storm is moving northward at a speed of about 15-20 kilometers per hour.

The Southern region is forecast to experience heavy rains due to impacts of this storm.

Meteorological experts indicated that the influence of this storm in combination with the powerful operations of the southwest monsoon could cause heavy rains in the Southern region.

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