Tougher measures to be applied to clean up entertainment industry

The functional departments recently received a lot of public support for an administrative fine imposed on singer Dam Vinh Hung.

Singer Dam Vinh Hung has been suspended from performing activities for nine months due to wearing an inappropriate outfit adorned with strange badges during a performance in HCMC in May.

Accordingly, singer Dam Vinh Hung has been suspended from performing activities for nine months and fined VND27.5 million (US$1,090) due to wearing an inappropriate outfit adorned with strange badges during a performance in HCMC in May.

In the past, cash penalties have often been considered as a mild punishment. However, a temporary ban on performance is a tougher measure to clean up the showbiz.

In the ongoing digital era, social media has emerged as a powerful marketing tool for artists and celebrities to make statements and behaviors that violate cultural norms or create scandals to garner more views, making negative impacts on society, especially on young people.

Fans will imitate their idols' bad and ugly behaviors. Therefore, it needs strict fines for behaviors without the awareness and responsibility of citizens.

In fact, this is not the first time Dam Vinh Hung has been penalized. The singer previously faced several fines for culturally inappropriate behavior during performances and for spreading misinformation. However, this is the first time he received an additional penalty of suspending from performing activities.

A temporary ban on performance is also a measure to protect and enhance cultural and ethical values in society.

In the coming time, the Ministry of Information and Communications and the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism will release new regulations to handle artists, public figures, and artistic professionals who violate laws or cultural norms. Artists with wrong morals may be banned from appearing as presenters on television shows.

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