Mass mobilization tasks in HCMC to enhance grassroots democracy

The Mass Mobilization Committee of the HCMC Party Committee yesterday held a summary meeting for the third quarter of 2024, focusing on implementing democracy at the grassroots level across the city.

Head Nguyen Manh Cuong of the HCMC Mass Mobilization Committee is delivering his speech in the meeting

After listening to the sharing and discussions of meeting participants, Head Nguyen Manh Cuong of the HCMC Mass Mobilization Committee highly appreciated the contributions of the Vietnam Fatherland Front as well as political and social organizations in HCMC.

He also acknowledged practical proposals from Mass Mobilization Committees at district level, their close coordination with the municipal one in advising the HCMC Party Standing Committee on report content, specialized topics, and in effectively organizing propaganda activities of the Party's Mass Mobilization Day and other commemorative activities.

Head Nguyen Manh Cuong stressed the necessary tasks to be completed this quarter, including close monitoring of the current status of each location in the city in all aspects so that corresponding advice can be effectively delivered to the Party Standing Committees at municipal to district levels, and the Party Committee of the People – Government – Party Bloc of HCMC.

Regarding grasping the public opinion, he noted the need to pay attention to issues related to the implementation of the 2024 Land Law and preparations for the Lunar New Year holiday in 2025.

Based on a thorough understanding of public opinion, state agencies need to coordinate to successfully advise the Party Committees at all levels. Additionally, he reminded these agencies to closely link the preparation of their 2024 mass mobilization work summary with the preparation for the upcoming Party Congress at all levels.

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