IT Companies Desire Additional Investment

Multiple information technology companies expressed desire for more investment in the growing industry.

Multiple information technology companies expressed desire for more investment in the growing industry.

The sector shows promising growth therefore city administrators should prioritize it, said company leaders of FPT, Lac Viet and Quang Trung Software during a meeting on February 11.

The meeting was attended by Deputy Chairman of People’s Committee in Ho Chi Minh City Le Manh Ha and representatives of the departments of information and communications to exemplary companies and two software industrial parks.

Despite economic recession, the company still had good revenue, said Nguyen Ha Thanh, deputy director of One Corp in District 4. In 2013, the company had revenue of VND269 billion (US$12.7 million), an increase of VND15 billion (US$712,498) compared to 2012 and profit increase of VND9.2 billion (US$436,994).P

In addition to providing solutions for telecommunications network and switchboards, the company also supplies services such as data infrastructure, diagnosis and medicine technology.

Investment from Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has increased to US$163 million, exceeding the target of US$113 million, said Tan Thuan Company’s director Young Un Ti.

Import/Export Price Indexes (MXP) are valued at US$3.8 billion with a surplus of US$500 million. The company prioritizes investment on improving working environment by replacing lights and installing waste treatment systems.

In 2013, the company also operated on a 40 hectare electronic office park. It is expected to attract enterprises in the field of high tech, software and other IT services.

The economic crisis has affected growth of small and medium-sized companies, said Mr. Ha. More than 9,000 companies have stopped operation last year which makes the increase of profit for information technology positive for investment.

City leaders are urged to facilitate procedures to help the companies.  The companies are urged to adopt policies that attract highly-skilled workers and actively ask city leaders to help solve bureaucratic problems.

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