HCMC youths join volunteer activities in Laos, Phu Quy Island

A delegation of 120 volunteers in HCMC, including youth union members, students, young people, civil servants, doctors, and artists traveled to Laos for volunteer activities on June 15.

At the launching ceremony held in HCMC on June 15 (Photo: SGGP)

During the 16-day program, the volunteers will present medical supplies and equipment and provide free health check-ups and medicines for residents in Attapeu and Champasak provinces.

They will also offer water purification machines, Vietnamese-Lao youth friendship houses, reading rooms, indoor playgrounds, and computers; organize vocational training courses for career orientation; and provide support for education development.

Additionally, they will organize cultural exchanges marking 20 years of summer volunteer activities in Laos.

On this occasion, 48 members of the HCMC Youth Union also began their volunteer trip to Phu Quy District Island in Binh Thuan Province. The program will run until June 28.

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