HCMC unveils ambitious canal beautification plan with relocation solutions

HCMC is developing a social housing project for relocated households along canals based on the updated Land Law and Housing Law from 2024.

Xuyen Tam Canal in Binh Thanh District of HCMC

Regarding relocating people living along canals in HCMC in the 2021-2025 period, Vice Chairman of the HCMC People’s Committee Bui Xuan Cuong has just assigned the municipal Department of Construction to work with related state agencies to exploit the updated Land Law and Housing Law from 2024 to prepare the project ‘Piloting solutions for households currently having houses on and along canals to rent or buy social housing when the State implements relocation projects for urban beautification’.

The HCMC People’s Committee proposes that the two municipal departments of Natural Resources-Environment and Construction devise feasible mechanisms and policies for compensation and resettlement support tasks. These mechanisms and policies will be then reported to the Party Civil Affairs Committee under the HCMC People’s Committee before being submitted to the Standing Committee of the city’s Party Committee.

Meanwhile, the municipal Department of Planning and Investment is instructed to urgently review the source of capital and the ability to balance capital in the medium-term public investment plan for the 2021-2025 period to advise and propose to the HCMC People's Committee on the implementation of key projects in the city (Hy Vong Canal cleanup project; project to build, renovate and expand Ton That Thuyet Street and green parks along Te Canal; Van Thanh Canal dredging and renovation project).

Before this, to prepare for the investment in the construction of accommodation to serve the relocation and resettlement of families on and along canals and ditches in the city, the HCMC Department of Construction proposed that the Department of Natural Resources and Environment guide all districts and Thu Duc City to classify affected households on and along canals.

At the same time, the latter was requested to provide guidance on the compensation and resettlement support policy for cases of demolition of houses on and along canals and ditches in accordance with the regulations of the Land Law 2024 to serve as a basis for plan development.

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