HCMC seeks solutions to complete land management

The Central Theory Council collaborated with the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee to host a seminar on May 14, titled “Land Management in Ho Chi Minh City: Current Status and Solutions”.

Overview of the scientific seminar regarding land management in the city (Photo: SGGP/ Viet Dung)

The scientific seminar was chaired by Professor Doctor Ta Ngoc Tan, Standing Vice Chairman of the Central Theoretical Council; Professor Doctor Nguyen Quang Thuan, Head of the Economic Subcommittee of the Party Central Committee's Theoretical Council; Nguyen Ho Hai, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee and Bui Xuan Cuong, Vice Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee, along with participation of leaders from central and local departments and agencies.

Here, the delegates, managers, experts and scientists discussed and evaluated the achievements and limitations of land management to identify the reasons and lessons.

Besides, they focused on several key issues from various perspectives such as solutions and recommendations for completing implementation of the Land Law 2024; the land law in Vietnam associated with current status and arising issues; issues that need consensus in the land management and usage; the current situation of land-use fluctuations in Ho Chi Minh City through land registration and statistics and proposals and solutions; the causes and solutions for arising issues during the conversion of land use purpose from agricultural to non-agricultural lands in Ho Chi Minh City; perspectives and solutions to improve the efficiency of land management in Ho Chi Minh City.

The seminar aimed at contributing to the implementation of Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW of the Party Central Committee of the Party continuing to innovate and complete institutions and policies in the management and use of land, creating momentum for Vietnam to become a high-income country, and the implementation of the Land Law 2024.

Standing Deputy Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee Nguyen Ho Hai speaks at the seminar. (Photo: SGGP/ Viet Dung)

Attending and speaking at the seminar, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee Nguyen Ho Hai stated that the resolutions have outlined the key tasks and solutions for the socio-economic development of the Southeast region in general and Ho Chi Minh City in particular, especially solutions for developing land resources to meet the needs of city's socio-economic growth.

Ho Chi Minh City is a special urban area and the economic, cultural and social hub of the Southern region and the country; therefore, the Party Committee and HCMC Government have always been concerned about land management and usage as well as have made considerable efforts to direct the implementation of land use planning, digital transformation in land management, innovation in land finance and strengthening inspection and supervision of land usage.

However, there are still many limitations and obstacles in the process of implementing its goals and tasks that have not yet achieved high effectiveness.

Professor Doctor Ta Ngoc Tan, Standing Vice Chairman of the Central Theoretical Council speaks at the event. (Photo: SGGP/ Viet Dung)

Professor Doctor Ta Ngoc Tan also requested the delegates to propose their viewpoints and solutions to complete land management in Ho Chi Minh City in the coming time.

Some photos are captured at the seminar on May 14 morning:


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