The exhibition displays pictures which were selected from 73,000 photos of 4,548 authors from 125 countries throughout the world of the 61st annual World Press Photo contest. The event will be organized in 90 cities worldwide, including Hanoi and is expected to attract more than 4 million visitors.
The World Press Photo Foundation is a global platform connecting professional photographers and audiences through visual journalism and storytelling. It was founded in 1955 by a group of Dutch photographers to present their works to international viewers. The constest has now become the world’s most prestigious photography competition, attracting millions of people every year.
The World Press Photo Foundation is a creative, independent, nonprofit organization, based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.It receives support from the Dutch Postcode Lottery and is sponsored worldwide by Canon.
The exhibition on its world-wide tour is held in Vietnam for the first time and will run until July 6.