Every mural measuring 15 x 24 meters covers more than 360 square meters. The two artworks were created by painter Nguyen Thu Thuy and her teammates in November and December.
Thuy and her colleagues are completing another large pottery painting on Hanoi in the past and present on the 2nd floor in the terminal 2.
In April, artist Nguyen Thu Thuy received Silver Trophy at the A’Design Awards & Competition in Italia for her work “The Mirror House”. The winning project is categorized in urban design. The Mirror House which is also known as the Smiley House built by the Czechoslovak Government in 1979 in Thong Nhat Park was put a fresh coat by painter Nguyen Thu Thuy in last October.
In May 2017, artist Nguyen Thu Thuy and her colleagues of the New Hanoi Art Company also won the bronze medal at the 10th International Design Awards (IDA) in the US for their mural painting at Da Nang International Airport. She received a consolation prize for her “Love heart for Hanoi” sculpture. In 2015, the Vietnamese artist was awarded the Honorable Mention Prize in the Other Products Designs Competition of the 8th International Design Awards (IDA) for the “Hanoi Lotus Fountain” Project.