Students, soldiers, and retirees in HCMC donate savings to help typhoon victims

Many individuals, including students, soldiers, and retirees in Ho Chi Minh City, have selflessly donated their hard-earned savings through different organizations and newspapers to support those in need.

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Ms. Pham Thi Ti at SGGP Newspaper headquarters

Recently, heartbreaking images of Northern residents enduring hardship from natural disasters and floods have deeply moved millions across the nation. People from all walks of life including students, laborers, pensioners have sent their savings to help victims of deadly Super Typhoon Yagi.

Ms. Pham Thi Ti, an 86-year-old resident of Ward 15 of HCMC’s District 10 generously contributed VND5 million (US$203) to SGGP Newspaper for the people of the North, after arriving at the newspaper headquarters by motorbike taxi.

Mrs. Pham Thi Ti shared that the money was saved from her husband and her’s retirement salary and they want to donate it through the newspaper to help the people in need in the North. Even though it's not a large amount, it comes from the couple's heart. Mrs. Pham Thi Ti is optimistic that the people in the flood-hit areas will soon overcome their challenges.

SGGP Newspaper is calling on readers from all corners of the country and abroad to come together and assist the people in the North in overcoming the aftermath of storms and floods. Acting as a facilitator, the newspaper is collecting funds and goods to aid those affected by the calamities through bank transfers and direct donations.

Ms. Viet Nga, a staff from the division of reader reception and social programs of SGGP Newspaper, recounted an interaction with a reader who said with uncertainty: “My family is facing challenges; is it acceptable to contribute just VND100,000 ?"

Ms. Viet Nga also noted instances where groups of students from the Mekong Delta provinces pooled together VND50,000 or VND100,000 each and designated a member to deliver their contributions to SGGP Newspaper.

Furthermore, she added just yesterday, a motorbike taxi driver, after dropping off a passenger, learned about our donation box and decided to contribute VND30,000 from the fare he received. These gestures of kindness towards those affected by the floods are truly invaluable and greatly appreciated, Ms. Viet Nga remarked.

Yesterday morning, two 8th graders from Kien Thiet Secondary School in Ho Chi Minh City, Nguyen Huynh Bao Nhi and Tu Dang Nguyen, brought two piggy banks filled with VND2,000, VND5,000 and VND10,000 to the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Ho Chi Minh City to provide aid to students affected by storms and floods.

Bao Nhi revealed that these savings were accumulated since summer, and even though it's not a significant amount, she hopes that it, along with the donated notebooks, will make a small difference for some students in the North.

Although it was raining in the afternoon of September 10 in Ho Chi Minh City, numerous students gathered at the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee to provide aid for those impacted by storms and floods. Among them, ninth grader Nguyen Ngoc Tuyet Anh of Ha Huy Tap Secondary School in Binh Thanh District, brought envelopes of money from her previous prizes and awards to contribute in a lovely gift box.

Student Ngo Phuong Anh of Gia Dinh High School in Binh Thanh District, generously donated her entire savings of over VND12 million from her piggy bank to support the people affected by Super Typhoon Yagi through the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Ho Chi Minh City.

In Ho Chi Minh City, numerous governmental and non-governmental organizations have urged the public to assist those affected by storms and floods. Standing Deputy Secretary Truong Minh Tuoc Nguyen of the Ho Chi Minh City Youth Union highlighted the union's efforts to engage youth organizations, public service units under the Youth Union, and youth union members and children in the city to provide support and aid to the people in areas affected by the storm and flood.

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