A night of ballet titled “Paris Ballet”, featuring a ballet dance crew from l'Opéra de Paris, the oldest national ballet company in the world will take place at the National Convention Center in Hanoi on June 11.
The performance is part of “Paris Dance Galaxy,” a global tour program. Hanoi is chosen as the first Asian destination of the tour.
The show will introduce excerpts from nine ballets: Roland Petit’s "Carmen," Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s "The Nutcracker," Adolphe Adam’s "Giselle," Marius Petipa’s "Don Quixote," Jerome Robbins’ "In the Night," José Martinez’s "Children of Paradise," Ivan Favier’s "No, I Don’t Regret Anything," Roland Petit’s "Proust or the Heart's Intermissions," and Angelin Preljocaj’s "The Park."
The art works present to audiences the classical Romanticist as well as Contemporary styles of French ballet, known for its elegance and refinement rather than its virtuosity.
12 famous artists of the l'Opéra de Paris, including ballet stars Agnès Letestu, Mathilde Froustey, Alice Renav and Frédéric Fontan, the show’s art director will perform in the show together with dancers of the Vietnam National Symphony Orchestra.