President: Viet Nam Always a Faithful Friend of DPRK

Viet Nam is always a faithful friend of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) and constantly supports the DPRK people’s policy of self-reliance, peace and national unification. 

President Nguyen Minh Triet (R) talks with DPRK Prime Minister Kim Yong Il on Oct 29
President Nguyen Minh Triet (R) talks with DPRK Prime Minister Kim Yong Il on Oct 29
The statement was made by President Nguyen Minh Triet while receiving the visiting DPRK Prime Minister Kim Yong Il and his delegation in Ha Noi on Monday. 


President Triet said he believed that the visit, together with Vietnamese Party General Secretary Nong Duc Manh’s recent visit to the DPRK, would be new milestone in the two countries’ ties, contributing to further developing the traditional friendship and solidarity between the two peoples. 


He acclaimed the results of the Vietnamese and DPRK Prime Ministers’ talks and hoped that the two sides would make efforts to effectively implement bilateral agreements and constantly expand cooperation in all areas of their strength. 


Viet Nam advocated all efforts to promote dialogues for reconciliation and cooperation on the Korean Peninsular, and welcomed recent progress on the peninsular, President Triet said. He expressed his pleasure at of the DPRK people’s achievements in their socialist construction and national reunification. 


The DPRK Prime Minister congratulated the Vietnamese people for the achievements they made under the leadership of the Communist Party of Viet Nam in the national industrialisation and modernisation process. He wished the Vietnamese people even greater successes in socialist construction. 


He thanked the Vietnamese Sate and people for their assistance to the DPRK people’s struggle for national reunification and socialist construction over the recent past. 


The same day, PM Kim Yong Il and his delegation visited the relic site of President Ho Chi Minh.

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