HCMC High Command launches campaign to eradicate temporary, dilapidated houses

The Party Committee of the HCMC High Command on September 12 organized a ceremony to launch an emulation movement to eradicate temporary and dilapidated houses nationwide by 2025 in the city’s armed forces.

Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Nam, Commander of the HCMC High Command (L) attends the ceremony. (Photo: SGGP)

Attending the event were Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Nam, Commander of the HCMC High Command, Major General Phan Van Xung, Political Commissar of the HCMC High Command, and representatives of businesses and sponsors.

In his speech, Major General Phan Van Xung, Political Commissar of the HCMC High Command said that the Government’s campaign to eliminate temporary and ramshackle houses nationwide by 2025 aims to effectively implement the Party and State's social welfare policies and achieve the target of eradicating temporary and ramshackle houses across the country to alleviate poverty in Vietnam.

Major General Phan Van Xung, Political Commissar of the HCMC High Command speaks at the event. (Photo: SGGP)

During the emulation movement on joining hands to eradicate temporary and dilapidated houses nationwide by 2025 in the city’s armed forces, the HCMC High Command will strengthen education and propaganda work promoting the tradition, culture, humanity, and the spirit of sharing among officers and soldiers. The event also aims to encourage cadres, officers, soldiers, and youth union members to eradicate temporary and dilapidated houses for poor households, near-poor households, and military families facing housing difficulties.

Delegates attend the launching ceremony. (Photo: SGGP)

In addition, agencies and units could provide financial aid and efforts to eradicate temporary and dilapidated houses with the highest level of determination, contributing to implementing the city’s campaign to eliminate substandard houses in 2025.

On the other hand, agencies and units should carry out good performances in the emulation movements, including “The city’s armed forces working together to build new rural areas”, and “The city’s armed forces joining hands for the poor, ensuring that no one is left behind”.

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