HCMC focuses on removing hurdles for development of real estate sector

A group of supervisors yesterday worked with Ho Chi Minh City authorities on removing hurdles for the development of the real estate sector.

At the meeting (PHoto: SGGP)

The delegation for supervising the implementation of policies and laws on real estate market management and social housing development from 2015 to 2023 yesterday worked with the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee.

Members of the working group included Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Nguyen Duc Hai, Secretary General of the National Assembly Bui Van Cuong (who also headed the group), and Minister of Construction Nguyen Thanh Nghi. The meeting was chaired by Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee Chairman Phan Van Mai.

During the meeting, Deputy Chairman Bui Xuan Cuong reported that Ho Chi Minh City has been working to address challenges in the real estate market over the past two years and has made significant progress. The market is now poised for more sustainable growth, especially with the upcoming implementation of the new Land Law, Housing Law, and Real Estate Business Law on August 1.

Deputy Chairman Cuong emphasized that Ho Chi Minh City is well-prepared to implement these new laws. The city is finalizing necessary legal documents and land price lists to take effect on August 1 and is also working to complete its overall development plan. These efforts aim to overcome current obstacles and facilitate future growth in the real estate and housing sectors. The Deputy Chairman also highlighted some remaining challenges related to the legal framework, planning, and incentives for investors.

Minister of Construction Nguyen Thanh Nghi pointed out the significant current demand for social housing but acknowledged that there are still many challenges. He believed that the implementation of the new Land Law, Housing Law, and Real Estate Business Law, along with detailed government regulations, would create favorable conditions to address existing obstacles and promote the development of the housing market, especially social housing. Additionally, the government is exploring new incentive policies to attract investment in this sector, ultimately creating more opportunities for citizens.

Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Nguyen Duc Hai emphasized that in addition to the achievements, the supervision team saw more clearly the difficulties and obstacles in implementing policies and laws on market management in real estate and social housing development.

The Vice Chairman of the National Assembly requested Ho Chi Minh City to urgently develop and complete documents guiding the implementation of the Housing Law, Land Law, and Real Estate Law and focus time, human resources, and intelligence for effective implementation of the National Assembly’s resolution 98/2023/QH15. Along with that, it is necessary to remove difficulties in the real estate market and social housing development or report to competent authorities to remove these difficulties. These are two important areas to promote growth and ensure social security and social housing for low-income people.

Concluding the meeting, General Secretary of the National Assembly, Chairman of the National Assembly Office Bui Van Cuong commented that Ho Chi Minh City has paid attention to leading and directing the relatively good implementation of legal regulations on real estate market management. social housing production and development. Ho Chi Minh City also focuses on promulgating institutions according to its authority, contributing to perfecting the institutions of central agencies.

While implementing the Resolution, Ho Chi Minh City has achieved many outcomes, flexibly and synchronously applying policies to attract investors and projects, meet people's housing needs, and beautifying the southern metropolis.

Besides the aforementioned achievements, Ho Chi Minh City still faces certain challenges and difficulties. The city has provided explanations for these issues and proposed solutions for the real estate market in the coming period. The supervisory delegation has taken note of Ho Chi Minh City's recommendations and will review and consider them before submitting a detailed report for the National Assembly’s approval of policies and laws. This will help more effectively manage the real estate market and develop social housing.

The head of the working group requested Ho Chi Minh City to strengthen the inspection and examination of the implementation of policies and laws on real estate market management and social housing development in the locality. This aims to ensure compliance with the law and create a favorable investment and business environment, promoting healthy and sustainable development of the real estate and social housing markets.

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