On behalf of the Party, Government and the People of HCMC, Mr. Nguyen Huu Hiep handed over more than VND2.5 billion (US$108,000), goods worth VND500 million (US$21,677), VND200 million (US$8,6700) worth of equipment for the installation of solar powered lighting systems at border gates to the border forces who are on duty at border crossings in Chau Thanh District in the fight against Covid-19.
Head of HCMC Commission of Mass Mobilization Nguyen Huu Hiep expressed his sincere thanks to the provincial government and armed forces for controlling the Covid-19 pandemic at the border gates and outstanding contribution to pandemic prevention.
Tay Ninh Province shares over 240 kilometer land border with Cambodia with a total 15 border stations, 14 checkpoints and 27 watching border crossings.
In these days, the High Command of the Border Guard in the province has established 129 monitoring points along the border line with more than 1,000 soldiers and officials to make all efforts to prevent illegal entry.
The delegation visited border guards at six Covid-19 monitoring and control stations to encourage soldiers to overcome difficulties and extreme weather challenges to maintain secure borders.