Downpours bring flooding, traffic chaos in Binh Phuoc, Lam Dong provinces

Torrential rains caused flooding and traffic chaos in parts of Binh Phuoc and Lam Dong provinces this morning.

Downpour brings flooding in Bu Dang District, Binh Phuoc Province.

The Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control, Search and Rescue of Binh Phuoc Province reported that much of Bu Dang District was flooded after a heavy rainfall event on Tuesday morning.

Torrential rainfall turned some in this district into rivers, resulting in serious traffic congestion.

Amid the situation, functional forces were mobilized to the flooding-hit sites to regulate traffic, evacuate people to safer places and make initial damage statistics to propose support following regulations.

This morning, the People’s Committee of Dang Ha Commune, Bu Dang District said that a student was wounded when a downpour and cyclone caused a landslide in the hilly Doc Do area of this district.

Functional forces are in the site to overcome damage.

Currently, the Dang Ha Commune People's Committee is coordinating with authorities to continue to survey and overcome damage and ensure safety for people moving through the area.

Functional forces clean up fallen tree branches after heavy rains.

Throughout this morning, the Central Highlands province of Lam Dong recorded a tropical downpour and whirlwind, blowing away trees and house roofs.

A collapsed electric pole is due to downpour and whirlwind.

Heavy rainfall also caused partial flooding on several roads, making traffic situation difficult. Low-voltage electric poles also collapsed along roads, causing power disruptions.

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