Central region city of Da Nang Party Secretary announced during a meeting yesterday with his staff that any traffic policemen who are caught red handed of taking bribe will be sacked.
In order to improve traffic conditions in Vietnam, Secretary Thanh suggested the installation of cameras to monitor the loading capacity of trucks on our roads to ensure the loading is within legal limits.
Another safety measure suggested by Secretary Thanh was to consider frequently transferring traffic wardens to different stations as a preventative measure against “the epidemic bribery” problem among traffic police and wardens which can develop if they are left for long periods at the same station.
As a final measure Secretary Thanh suggested the city offer an additional bonus to traffic police who have to work outside in the hot sun and the payment of this bonus assists to compensate them for working in hot weather and may also reduce their bribery requests.
Police must sign pledge not to accept bribe or else they will face revocation of registered police roster. Thanh said only strict punishment can change behaviors among degraded policemen.
In addition, Secretary Nguyen Ba Thanh told police let’s together build the city a safe and peaceful tourism city by setting up a around-the-clock hot line 05113888888 which receive information from residents and travellers. Traffic wardens and related agencies were asked to closely cooperate with the hot line to have quick deal.
Police force and guards in the city must be determined in clearing away the disguised beggars and touts in streets.
Thanh asked police force and the Department of Transport to set up plates and build central reservations to begin on April 1. Police officers also have to check helmet quality; however, secretary Thanh said police must keep people in lean-tos stations and invite people to drink with friendly behaviors while checking helmets. If helmets fail to meet standard, police should seize and sell high quality to people at VND50,000 a hat.