Sharing to the reporter from Sai Gon Giai Phong (SGGP) Newspaper, ACV leaders informed that red basalt soil dust has been formed regularly by factors of cyclones, low rainfall and scorching weather during the construction of Long Thanh International Airport in the area of more than 5,000 hectares.
The first phase of the project focuses on works of leveling ground so the entire vegetation at the 1,810-hectare airport construction area and 722-hectare land reserve area arer forced to be removed from the ground surface to hand over the construction site for the project. That has resulted in the ongoing red dust pollution.
Currently, the ACV requests the project’s joint venture contractor to deploy urgent measures to mitigate red soil dust pollution from the Long Thanh Airport construction site.
Besides, it is necessary to send 35 water sprinkler trucks equipped with water tanks to perform dust suppression along internal roads on the construction site with a minimum frequency of five times per day, complete the work of planting grass on slopes on an area of 722 hectares to prevent dust spread and drift according to the approved design in April 2024.