Investors have been interested in some projects but the city’s implementation has been very slow. So he prompted relevant sides to drastically take action to prevent projects from long lasting or even lasting endlessly as their implementation plays a very important role in boosting the city’s socioeconomic development.
In order to speed up the projects’ progress, from now on the working group on investment in the city which Mr. Phong is leader of will meet weekly. Aside from that, agencies must drastically work and coordinate with each other to speed up the projects’ progress.
He again talked about removal of Sen Hong stage, bus stations and motorbike parking lots as well as exploitation of the underground part at September 23 Park. Previously the chairman assigned the Department of Construction to report about these works before April 30 this year but a month had gone by without completion time specification.
Director of the Department of Construction Le Hoa Binh said that the agency has suggested the city People’s Committee to arrange a meeting for it to specifically report about the issue.
Slow investment attraction into waste to energy
At the meeting, Mr. Phong said that currently HCMC eliminates about 8,900 tons of household waste a day excluding industrial and medical waste. For a long time, the city has majorly buried these waste.
In a conference recently organized to call for investment into waste to energy, many businesses were found elated. However the city has not selected any investor a year after the conference.
Explaining the lateness, director of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment blamed for unreasonable waste treatment price and strict and time consuming bidding process. The process still takes more than 40-50 days after streamlining for getting stuck with common regulations, which cause the city unable to further shorten the investor selection time.
The agency is scheduled to reopen bid invitation in July this year and find investors in the second quarter next year.