Australian, Vietnamese guitarists perform moved show

An unplugged guitar concert featuring Australian and Vietnamese artists in Ho Chi Minh City Wednesday received big applause from the audience, who saw two foreigners accompany a local in a famous piece of music by late famous composer Trinh Cong Son.

An unplugged guitar concert featuring Australian and Vietnamese artists in Ho Chi Minh City Wednesday received big applause from the audience, who saw two foreigners accompany a local in a famous piece of music by late famous composer Trinh Cong Son.

The Opera House that night listened to Leonard Grigoryan and Joseph Tawardros from Australia, together with Vietnamese one-arm guitarist The Vinh and vocalist Thuy Tien.

“The Brothers in concert” was a moved performance in which the disabled artist played Trinh Cong Son works with harmonica on his mouth and the Australians demonstrated their repertoire that crossed cultural and stylistic barriers.

Khazakstan-born Grigoryan played classic guitar, while Egyptian-born Tawadros performed with oud, an Arabic cousin of the guitar.

The concert started with the Vietnamese artists set by The Vinh and vocalist Thuy Tien, who plays together with Vinh in their band Gifts of Tide. Then came the Australian set where Grigoryan went solo first, Tawadros played next, and their duo performance followed.

The final was a trio combination where The Vinh played Ha Trang (White Summer) – a very popular song by Trinh Cong Son – with guitar and harmonica. Grigoryan accompanied him on guitar and Tawadros on his oud.

(L-R) The Vinh, Leonard Grigoryan and Joseph Tawardros play Ha Tramg (White Summer) at the end of the show (Photo: Thuy Hang)
(L-R) The Vinh, Leonard Grigoryan and Joseph Tawardros play Ha Tramg (White Summer) at the end of the show (Photo: Thuy Hang)

The Australian Government organised the performance.

“This concert does not only enhance cutural exchanges between Australia and Vietnam, but also provides an opportunity to join with Vietnam to celebrate famous musician Trinh Cong Son on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of his death.”

His death anniversary is on April 1.

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