Vietnamese photographer wins ‘ONCE’ photo contest

Vietnamese photographer Hoang Quoc Tuan won the first prize at the 11th international photo contest titled “One World for All: Overcoming Disabilities” organised by ONCE, Spain’s National Organisation for blind people.

Photographer Tuans picture Khat Vong (Desire)
                   Photographer Tuans picture Khat Vong (Desire)

Tuan’s picture “Khat Vong” (Desire) triumphed over more than 1,400 entries from 55 countries and territories around the world. He will receive a cash prize of euro 1,500.

The second prize was won by a Spanish artist, while Vietnamese photographer Ngo Quang Phuc received third prize for his work titled “Thay giao nguoi Cham” (Cham ethnic teacher).

Founded in 1938, the ‘ONCE’ photo contest aims to encourage blind people to integrate with society, and to honour their place in society.

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