Accordingly, train HD1 departs from Hue at 7:45 and arrives at Da Nang station at 10:35; train HD3 train departs from Hue at 14:25 and arrives at Da Nang at 17:40.
Trains HD2 and HD4 depart from Da Nang at 7:50 and 15:00, and arrive at Hue at 11:05 and 17:45, respectively.
On the occasion, discount fares of VND150,000 (US$) per person have been offered to passengers. In addition, travelers have an opportunity to enjoy a monthly ticket costing VND900,000 (US$36) per person and discounts of 10 – 50 percent for individuals credited with meritorious service to the country.
There will be VIP waiting rooms with local special food to serve passengers at Da Nang and Hue stations.
During the train trip connecting Thua Thien Hue Province and Da Nang City, tourists have a chance to enjoy beautiful natural landscapes along the route, especially Hai Van Pass on the border of Thua Thien-Hue Province and Da Nang City; Nha Nhac Cung Dinh Hue (Hue Royal Court music) and Ao Dai performance.