Red sand flood: Real estate project investor runs afoul of regulations

Because the real estate project investor did not comply with the regulations on natural disaster prevention, it resulted in a red sand flood in roads in the South Central Province of Binh Thuan.

Red sand from the project stream down on roads

Sai Gon Giai Phong newspaper yesterday published an article about a red sand flood on roads to Mui Ne beach in Binh Thuan Province, local administrations pointed out the culprit of the incident that the investor of the Sentosa Villa resort real estate project did not comply with the regulations leading to red sand flooding on the roads; as a result, traffic jams took place and many motorbikes, cars, residents’ properties were blanketed in red sand.

This afternoon, Director Phan Duong Cuong of the Department of Construction of Binh Thuan Province said that he had sent a dispatch to Saigon Investment Company Limited – the investor of the Sentosa Villa project in Mui Ne Ward of Phan Thiet City requesting to urgently address the consequences of the red sand landslide that caused the road to Mui Ne to be congested, many motorbikes and cars were buried.

Through on-site inspection, the Department of Construction of Binh Thuan Province found that the sand landslide was because Saigon Investment Company ran afoul of the regulations of natural disaster prevention while constructing the Sentosa Villa project.

It is forecasted that there will be heavy rain and storms soon with the risk of widespread, very complex and unpredictable landslides. Therefore, the Department of Construction of Binh Thuan Province requested Saigon Investment Company to mobilize human resources and equipment to address the incident to prepare for upcoming floods and landslides. At the same time, the investor must propose specific measures for long-term prevention and protection of people's lives and property.

At noon on the same day, Vice Chairman Nguyen Hong Hai of Binh Thuan Provincial People's Committee and Chairman Phan Nguyen Hoang Tan of Phan Thiet City People's Committee inspected locations where red sand floods occurred in Ham Tien and Ham Tien wards.

At the Sentosa Villa project site, Vice Chairman of Binh Thuan Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Hong Hai requested the investor quickly take measures to overcome the red sand flood problem; At the same time, there should be solutions to block and regulate rainwater flow through appropriate directions to avoid similar incidents.

At the scene of the red sand flood that occurred on Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street in Ham Tien Ward, Chairman Phan Nguyen Hoang Tan of the People's Committee of Phan Thiet City said that the cause of the sand dune area on the side of the landslide and sand flood in the early morning of May 21 was due to the lack of synchronous investment in the drainage system in this area, causing rainwater to not drain in time, leading to the incident. Therefore, in the future, it is necessary to invest in a drainage system in the above area to avoid similar incidents.

Meanwhile, the province’s Department of Construction said it had proposed to the Provincial People's Committee the need to build an emergency drainage project downstream of DT 706B road to exits 2 and 3 on Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street in Ham Tien Ward to promptly prevent and overcome the consequences of natural disasters.


As SGGP Newspaper reported, during the night and early morning of May 21, just after a prolonged heavy rain, at Ham Tien - Mui Ne tourist area (Phan Thiet City), two consecutive red sand floods from high hills and resort real estate projects rushed onto the roads, causing traffic jams and burying many people's assets.

Accordingly, at about 1:30 a.m. on May 21, many households and restaurant owners on Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street were sleeping when they discovered floodwater accompanied by red sand from the hill streaming down massively. The incident caused about 150m of Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street to be covered with red sand about 1m deep, the houses of five families were partially covered in red sand and five motorbikes were buried in the sand.

At the same time, about 7km from the above location, a flood of red sand on the high hill of the Sentosa Villa resort real estate project also collapsed onto Huynh Thuc Khang Street filling the road and overflowing two restaurants next to the beach. The incident caused more than 350m of Huynh Thuc Khang Street to be covered with sand nearly 2m deep, and two passenger cars and four motorbikes were buried in red sand, causing traffic congestion.

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