In addition, all the rubber cushions under the contract package will be reviewed in terms of quality and technical standards to ensure the safety for the project.
Earlier, at noon of October 30, 2020, MAUR discovered that the rubber cushion being used for a girder of viaduct beam VD14 had fallen off its installed position.
After discovering the incident, MAUR, NJPT Consultancy Joint Venture, Sumitomo – Cienco6 Consortium with the role of EPC (engineering, procurement and construction) contractor and Hitachi Company have promptly cooperated to inspect the site and support relevant sides to find out solutions for the incident.
By October 31, 2020, the EPC General Contractor repaired the incident and temporarily replaced the rubber cushion to smoothly connect with metro line No.1.
As the incident happened during the construction process and the project has not been taken over to the investor, Sumitomo – Cienco6 Consortium is responsible for the project safety and quality as well as overcoming the incident.