Over 1,100 people join in landscaping work in District 7

Over 1,100 people joined in landscaping work in District 7 at an event organized by the Ho Chi Minh City Command in coordination with the District 7 Party Committee, the District People's Committee and the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee.

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Over 1,100 people join in landscaping work in District 7

This morning, the Ho Chi Minh City Command in coordination with the District 7 Party Committee, the District People's Committee and the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee organized a ceremony to launch the 2024 campaign to build green landscapes along lakes, canals, and ditches associated with streets in District 7.

Speaking at the launch ceremony, Chairman Hoang Minh Tuan Anh of the District 7 People's Committee said that this time, the Ho Chi Minh City Command and District 7 will coordinate to conduct a general cleaning, collect garbage, and build green landscape along lakes, canals, and ditches associated with streets at the Ban Don Canal in Binh Thuan Ward in an area of about 7.6 hectares and the Ong Doi Canal branch in Tan Phu Ward in an area of about 1.3 hectares.

Dredging polluted canals

At the same time, participants in the campaign will renovate and convert polluted areas due to the long-term accumulation of garbage into green spaces in addition to propaganda and encouragement to make local inhabitants, production and business establishments join hands with local authorities in developing green spaces inside and in front of houses, offices, and production and business establishments.

To carry out this above-mentioned work, localities and units have mobilized over 1,100 people, including officials and soldiers of the Ho Chi Minh City Command and District Military Command, militia forces, political organizations, and people in the area. At the same time, the Party Committees - People's Committees of 10 wards responded to the general cleaning campaign, collecting garbage and dredging the flow of 21 canals in the area.

To effectively implement the campaign to build green landscapes along lakes, canals, and ditches associated with streets, District 7 authorities pledge to continue to implement Directive 19 of the Standing Committee of the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee on implementing the movement ‘City dwellers do not litter on the streets and canals, for a clean and flood-free city.

Speaking at the event, Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Nam said that officials and soldiers of the Ho Chi Minh City Command have participated in many practical activities in the city, including general cleaning to protect the environment. The Commander of the Ho Chi Minh City Command requires officials and soldiers to continue to promote their sense of responsibility, enthusiasm, and creativity; proactively overcome difficulties, ensure discipline, order, and absolute safety in the course of performing their tasks, contribute to building a civilized and modern city.

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