The census will collect essential information on the population and housing situation nationwide to serve the research and analysis of the population and housing development process of the country.
It will also serve the need for information during the assessment of the outcomes of socio-economic plans in 2011-2020 and the building of socio-economic development strategies and plans for 2021-2030.
Information to be collected includes general statistics of the population, the situation of migration, education and professional training, disability, marriage, birth and death rates and population growth, birth registration, labour and employment, housing conditions and basic living conditions of a household.
The census will be carried out during 25 days. The preliminary results will be announced in July the same year, and the final results in the fourth quarter. Reports on thematic analysis will be made public in the fourth quarter of 2020.
Under the Prime Minister’s decision on the national census, steering committees will be set up from the central to communal levels to guide the implementation of the census.
According to the GSO, the national population and housing census is carried out every 10 years. The census next year is the fifth conducted so far.-