NA deputies propose use of under-bridge spaces as parking lots

Due to the lack of parking lots in large cities, National Assembly deputies proposed using under-bridge spaces as parking lots.

NA deputy Ha Phuoc Thang proposes the use of under-bridge spaces as parking lots

In Ho Chi Minh City, there is a lot of space under bridges and overpasses in highway routes that cannot be exploited due to barriers by regulations. National Assembly deputy Ha Phuoc Thang proposed adding amendments on the use of under-bridge spaces to the draft Road Law.

Voicing his opinions on the draft Road Law related to the content of land for road infrastructure, National Assembly deputy Ha Phuoc Thang said that the draft law does not have this content. Through reviewing the 2008 Road Traffic Law and related decrees, National Assembly Delegate Ha Phuoc Thang said that there are no regulations on the use of underpasses or the space under bridges.

Accordingly, he proposed this because currently, the demand for parking in Ho Chi Minh City is very huge. However, the city is still facing many difficulties in implementing a static traffic system while warehouses of materials for road maintenance in Ho Chi Minh City still lack much compared to demand.

Deputy Ha Phuoc Thang proposed that provincial people's committees will grant permission to use under-bridge spaces while administrations in localities are responsible for the management and maintenance of parking lots, roads, and material warehouses for road maintenance. Local authorities need to pay attention to the safety of bridge and road structures, ensuring prevention and control of fire, explosion, order and traffic safety.

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