Memorial, burial services for Vietnamese soldiers fallen in Laos, Cambodia

Memorial and burial services, for the remains of 37 Vietnamese volunteer soldiers and experts who sacrificed their lives in Laos and Cambodia in various war periods, were organized in Quang Binh and Gia Lai provinces on May 23.

Lieutenant General Vo Minh Luong, Member of the Central Military Commission, Deputy Minister of National Defense offers incense to the martyrs.

The Party Committee, the People's Council, the People's Committee and the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Quang Binh Province held a memorial and burial service for the remains of 16 Vietnamese volunteer soldiers and experts who sacrificed their lives in Laos.

Delegates offer fresh flower wreaths to the martyrs at Ba Doc Martyrs’ Cemetery in Bo Trach District, the Central province of Quang Binh.

The ceremony took place solemnly at Ba Doc Martyrs’ Cemetery in Bo Trach District, the Central province of Quang Binh with the presence of Senior Lieutenant General Vo Minh Luong, Member of the Central Military Commission, Deputy Minister of National Defense; leaders of Quang Binh Province and leaders of Khammouane Province, Laos.

The remains are taken to Ba Doc Martyrs’ Cemetery.
The memorial and burial service for the remains of the martyrs in Quang Binh

These remains were found, gathered and repatriated by Team 589 of Quang Binh Provincial Military Command during the dry season of 2023-2024.

This is the 45th time that the officials and people of Quang Binh Province have organized a reception and a memorial and burial service for heroic martyrs repatriated to their homeland.

The leaders of Khammouane Province, Laos expressed their deep gratitude to the heroic martyrs who dedicated their youth and bravely sacrificed their lives for the independence and peace of the people of both Vietnam and Laos.

Gia Lai Province solemnly organizes a memorial and burial service for the remains of 21 Vietnamese volunteer soldiers and experts who sacrificed their lives in Cambodia in various war periods.

On the same day, the Party Committee, the People's Council, the People's Committee and the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Gia Lai Province solemnly held a memorial and burial service for the remains of 21 Vietnamese volunteer soldiers and experts who sacrificed their lives in Cambodia in various war periods.

Secretary of Gia Lai provincial Party Committee Ho Van Nien offers incense to pay tribute to heroic martyrs.

The ceremony took place at Duc Co District Martyrs’ Cemetery.

The entire remains were found, gathered and repatriated by Gia Lai Provincial Military Command’s Team K51 during the dry season of 2023-2024 in Stung Treng, Ratanakiri and Preah Vihear provinces, Cambodia.

In the solemn atmosphere of the ceremony, representatives from both countries sincerely offered fresh flower wreaths and burned incense to express their deep gratitude to the martyrs.

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