The initial report indicates that heavy and prolonged rainfall from Typhoon Yagi caused significant landslides on a mountain above the school.
Initial assessments revealed that a large volume of soil and rock collapsed onto the two-story classroom building under construction, as well as other school facilities. While no injuries were reported, the building was displaced, with numerous walls cracking 5-7 centimeters wide, some columns bending or breaking, and walls of two classrooms partially collapsing due to debris.

Following the incident, Lang Chanh District leaders conducted an on-site inspection, declared a state of emergency, and instructed relevant units and local authorities to secure the area and restrict access.
Local forces are now on a 24-hour watch, closely monitoring the landslide's progress to ensure the safety of teachers and students using the old building. If heavy rain persists, more than 200 students may be given leave from school.