Ho Thi Ky Food and Flower Street officially opened

The People’s Committee in district 10 yesterday opened Ho Thi Ky Food and Flower Street, the largest flower market in Ho Chi Minh City, supplies flowers to the city and some provinces in the South of Vietnam. It is located in Ho Thi Ky Street interposing with Le Hong Phong condominium.


At the ribbon cutting ceremony  (Photo: Sggp)
At the ribbon cutting ceremony (Photo: Sggp)

There are more than 110 booths selling food, flowers, arts and crafts etc.

Ho Thi Ky is considered the biggest flower market in the city selling varieties of flowers for over 30 years. The market has about 110 flower trading households.

Early morning hours are the busiest times of the market which is bustling and full of busy activities of transportation and purchasing. At this time of the year with Tet holidays, the market becomes one of the busiest locations in the city.
The local authorities hope Ho Thi Ky  Food and Flower Street will become a typical model of market, creating a must-visit place for visitors and contrubiting to the socio-economic development of the city as well as turning tourism into spearhead economic sector in the country's southern largest economic hub.
Ra mắt Phố chuyên doanh hoa Hồ Thị Kỷ ảnh 1
 The map of Ho Thi Ky  Food and Flower Street 
Ra mắt Phố chuyên doanh hoa Hồ Thị Kỷ ảnh 2
                                      Visitors in a flower store
Ra mắt Phố chuyên doanh hoa Hồ Thị Kỷ ảnh 3
                                                       Flower shops across the street

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