Ho Chi Minh City announces list of wards after rearrangement

According to the plan for rearranging administrative units at the district and commune levels in 2023-2030, Ho Chi Minh City has 80 must-rearranged wards in ten districts.

Chairwoman of the Ho Chi Minh City People's Council Nguyen Thi Le (center), Vice Chairmen of the Ho Chi Minh City People's Council Pham Thanh Kien and Huynh Thanh Nhan preside over the working session on July 17. (Photo: SGGP/ Viet Dung)

As of July 17 morning, at the 17th session of the tenth tenure Ho Chi Minh City People's Council focusing on the city’s socio-economic and defense-security situation, the Municipal People's Council passed a resolution approving the city’s plan for rearranging administrative units at the district and commune levels in 2023-2030. The resolution takes effect from the date of approval on July 17, 2024.

The Ho Chi Minh City People's Council assigned the Municipal People's Committee to complete and submit documents and projects to competent authorities for review and decision on the rearrangement of commune-level administrative units in the city according to regulations.

In cases of content changes from competent authorities compared to the plan approved by the HCMC People's Council in this resolution, the HCMC People's Committee must report to the HCMC People's Council.

Previously, the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee had submitted a proposal for issuing a resolution of the HCMC People's Council regarding the plan for rearrangement of commune-level administrative units in the period 2023-2030.

Accordingly, Ho Chi Minh City will rearrange and merge 80 wards. After the reorganization, the number of wards in the city reduces by 39.

According to the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee, the rearrangement will facilitate economic, cultural and social development, enhancing the material and spiritual lives of residents as well as reducing significantly costs related to salaries, allowances, construction and repair for agency headquarters and units in the reorganized areas.

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