HCMC proposes establishment of 4,861 security, order protection teams

The HCMC People's Committee proposes the establishment of 4,861 grassroots-level security and order protection teams with three members of each.

Vice Chairman of the HCMC People's Committee Vo Van Hoan speaks at the conference. (Photo: SGGP)

Each team with one leader, one deputy leader and one member will be responsible for overseeing all activities within an area with a maximum number of 900 people. A security and order protection team will have an additional member if the population exceeds 900.

Speaking at the 16th session of the 10th tenure People's Council of HCMC for the 2021-2026 term, Vice Chairman of the HCMC People's Committee Vo Van Hoan said that the city is a special urban center and a hub for economics, culture, science and technology, education, and healthcare in the region and nationwide. However, the southern metropolis has faced many difficulties and challenges due to the pressure of mechanical population growth.

According to statistics, in 2023, HCMC had nearly 9.6 million people, accounting for over 9.6 percent of the country's population, 312 wards and communes, and 4,861 quarters and hamlets. Therefore, it needs a resolution on establishing and allocating grassroots-level forces participating in security and order protection in the city and ensuring conditions for their operation.

Delegates attend the 16th session of the 10th tenure People's Council of HCMC for the 2021-2026 term. (Photo: SGGP)

According to the proposal of the HCMC People's Committee, if a security and order protection team sees a lack of members, or the leader and deputy leader of a group lacks sufficient health, capability, or professional qualifications to fulfill their responsibilities, the commune-level police can propose the Chairman of the People's Committee at the same level give a priority to the heads and deputy heads of security teams of the quarters or prestigious and experienced commune police officers to take the roles as leaders and deputy leaders of security and order protection teams.

The security and order protection forces will be organized to cover a full 24-hour day and divided into different shifts to ensure continuous coverage and operations. They will receive monthly support according to their positions and level of skills, experience, knowledge, and other qualifications, including payment for compulsory social and health insurance and other benefits.

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