HCMC, Guangzhou concretize cooperative relations

Vice Chairman of the HCMC People's Committee Vo Van Hoan received Vice Mayor of Guangzhou Municipal People's Government, Lai Zhihong on the evening of September 23.

Vice Chairman of the HCMC People's Committee Vo Van Hoan (r) receives Vice Mayor of Guangzhou Municipal People's Government, Lai Zhihong. (Photo: SGGP)

At the meeting, Vice Mayor of Guangzhou Municipal People's Government, Lai Zhihong informed remarkable achievements in the socio-economic development of Guangzhou City. The implementation of cooperation and exchanges between the two countries in general and two cities in particular has started since April.

Vice Chairman of the HCMC People's Committee Vo Van Hoan (r) offers a gift to Vice Mayor of Guangzhou Municipal People's Government, Lai Zhihong. (Photo: SGGP)

He said that the Chinese delegation traveled to HCMC to take part in the 2nd HCMC Friendship Dialogue and the 5th HCMC Economic Forum 2024; carrying out the common understandings reached by leaders of the two countries during Party General Secretary and President Xi Jinping’s visit to Vietnam last December; and implementing the common understandings and concretizing cooperation agreements signed by the leaders of the two cities during their previous visits.

Guangzhou is removing some foreign investment restrictions to attract investors, including Vietnamese businesses, he added.

Vice Mayor of Guangzhou Municipal People's Government, Lai Zhihong (L) offers a gift to Vice Chairman of the HCMC People's Committee Vo Van Hoan. (Photo: SGGP)

Vice Chairman of the HCMC People's Committee Vo Van Hoan affirmed that HCMC is the leading locality in developing and promoting cooperative relations with foreign countries. Guangzhou and the southern metropolis share many similarities. They are centers for economy, culture, education, and trade.

HCMC also hoped to expand and develop relations with other Chinese localities in the coming time, including Guangzhou. The city has determined to focus on developing the energy industry, including wind power, solar energy, and renewable energy through waste-to-energy (WtE) incineration technology.

The Vice Chairman of the HCMC People's Committee believed that there are many opportunities for cooperation between the businesses of the two countries. He suggested the two sides concretize cooperative relations between the two cities through a specific action plan.

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