Flight tickets difficult to buy near Tet holiday

Many flights departing from HCMC to Buon Ma Thuot City in Dak Lak Province and Quy Nhon City in Binh Dinh Province from January 19 onwards have sold out of tickets.

According to ticket agents, January 19 and 20 (December 28 and 29 in the lunar calendar) are the peak travel days during the Tet holiday. A large number of people flock to provinces and cities across the country, so tickets are scarce.

For the HCMC - Quy Nhon route, tickets are sold out from January 15 to January 21 (December 24 to 30 in the lunar calendar); flights from Quy Nhon to HCMC departing from January 25 to 31 (January 4 to 10 in the lunar calendar) are also scarce. From January 31 onwards, tickets for flights from Quy Nhon to HCMC will be available again.

However, there are not many economy class seats, but mainly business class tickets from airlines, such as Vietnam Airlines, VietJet Air, and Bamboo Airways with prices ranging from VND3.8 million to VND4.8 million per ticket. Meanwhile, flights from HCMC to Hanoi are not too tense, but the fares are quite high.

For instance, tickets from Vietnam Airlines for flights on January 17 (December 26 in the lunar calendar) cost nearly VND3.7 million per ticket. Other airlines, such as VietJet Air and Bamboo Airways, offer prices ranging from VND3.6 million to nearly VND3.7 million per ticket.

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