Flash flood in Muong Pon leaves 7 dead or missing on July 25

By midnight on July 25, a flash flood struck Dien Bien District in Dien Bien Province, destroying dozens of houses and causing the deaths or disappearances of seven people.

A flash flood hits Muong Pon Village at midnight on July 25.

According to SGGP reporters, from the night of July 24 to the morning of July 25, provinces like Son La and Dien Bien still experienced torrential rainfall. By midnight on July 25, a flash flood struck Dien Bien District in Dien Bien Province, destroying dozens of houses and causing the deaths or disappearances of seven people.

Mr. Ngo Xuan Chinh, Vice Chairman of the Dien Bien District People's Committee, reported that the flash flood occurred during the night, leaving residents of the four villages—Tin Toc, Linh, Muong Pon 1, and Muong Pon 2—caught off guard.

As of the morning of July 25, the Steering Committee for Disaster Prevention and Search and Rescue of Dien Bien Province updated that two additional fatalities were confirmed, and five people from two households are still missing. Two others were injured by the heavy rain and flash flood in Muong Pon 1 Village, Muong Pon Commune, Dien Bien District. The flood swept away ten houses, caused eight to collapse, and affected over 100 others.

People and authorities urgently search for missing victims on the morning of July 25.

Currently, about 100 local people are divided into two teams to urgently search for victims and relocate residents' belongings from hazardous areas.

According to a report from the National Steering Committee for Disaster Prevention on the morning of July 25, the storms and heavy rain from July 23 to 24 resulted in five deaths and four people still missing in Mai Son and Thuan Chau districts (Son La Province). Additionally, one person went missing due to floodwaters while crossing a ford in Dong Xuan Commune, Quoc Oai District (Hanoi) on July 22.

In total, the recent rainfall before and after Typhoon No.2 circulation has caused at least 17 deaths and missing people.

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