“Be Vietnamese Buy Vietnamese” campaign a success

The “Be Vietnamese Buy Vietnamese” campaign has significantly increased consumption of Vietnamese-made-goods in Ho Chi Minh City, according to a report put forward at a conference hosted by the HCMC Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front on Thursday, to review the campaign.

The “Be Vietnamese Buy Vietnamese” campaign has significantly increased consumption of Vietnamese-made-goods in Ho Chi Minh City, according to a report put forward at a conference hosted by the HCMC Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front on Thursday, to review the campaign.

Consumers choose Vietnamese-made cakes at a supermarket in HCMC (Photo: SGGP)
Consumers choose Vietnamese-made cakes at a supermarket in HCMC (Photo: SGGP)

Among the attendees at the conference were city leaders, representatives of departments and various businesses.

According to Duong Quan Ha, Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, the campaign was widely conducted throughout whole of last year, which prompted businesses to focus on improving their products, quality and pricing. This contributed to a rise in market share of locally made products in the market.

Local consumers are now giving more priority to domestic-made products, and the number of Vietnamese-made goods selling in supermarkets and traditional markets has gone up considerably.
According to Bui Hanh Thu, general director of Saigon Co.op supermarket chain, over 90 percent of commodities sold at her supermarkets are domestically produced. The retail giant is aiming to sell only Vietnamese-made-goods in the near future, she revealed.

Nguyen Thanh Ha, deputy director of Thu Duc Wholesale Agro-market said that Vietnamese made goods have predominated markets.

Before the “Be Vietnamese Buy Vietnamese” campaign was launched, Chinese vegetables accounted for 30 percent of stock in the market, which has now dropped to a mere 10-15 percent.

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