Zero-cost online administrative procedures: Advancing digital transformation

Following the introduction of a zero-cost policy for 98 types of online administrative procedures in Ho Chi Minh City, there has been a notable increase in such procedures completed; thereby facilitating the advancement of digital transformation.

Residents can use computer to do administrative procedures with the help of staff from local government

Residents are expressing their satisfaction. After receiving a notification from the District 5 People's Committee to sign her marriage registration certificate just hours after submitting her online application via the public service portal, resident Ngo Huynh Kieu Oanh in District 5 felt pleased with the swift processing of her application, which incurred no fees and required minimal travel for document submission.

Having lived in Singapore for over a decade, Ms. Oanh is well-acquainted with online administrative processes and experienced no challenges when submitting her application online in Ho Chi Minh City.

Ms. Oanh noted that her experience with online procedures in Vietnam closely mirrored that of Singapore. Holding her marriage certificate, she felt an overwhelming sense of happiness, especially upon receiving congratulations from the official who processed her application. She appreciated the swift and complimentary handling of her submitted documents through the public service portal, which would have otherwise cost over VND1 million. The news that the marriage registration was free brought her and her husband immense joy, as it felt like a blessing from the government.

Many city dwellers expressed their delight at the exemption from online administrative fees, viewing the zero-cost policy as a positive step towards promoting digital transformation. Nonetheless, they emphasized the need for Ho Chi Minh City to continue investing in and enhancing the system to ensure a more seamless experience for both citizens and businesses engaging in online procedures.

The volume of online records has seen a notable rise following the issuance of Resolution 07/2024 by the Ho Chi Minh City People's Council, which established the fee structure for administrative procedures associated with online public services.

Additionally, the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee released a list of 98 online procedures that incur no fees, prompting local authorities to swiftly adopt these measures and report an uptick in online administrative procedures compared to previous levels.

For instance, the People's Committee of Hoc Mon District has taken proactive steps by instructing specialized departments and local People's Committees to effectively communicate the details regarding the fee structure, including the no fees applicable to 56 administrative procedures. This initiative has significantly contributed to enhancing the uptake of online public services across the district, its communes, and towns.

After more than two months of implementing the zero-cost policy, the Hoc Mon District People's Committee has noted a positive response from both residents and businesses, which has further motivated community engagement in utilizing online public services for their administrative needs.

Head Pham Thi Anh Nguyet of the Department of Internal Affairs in District 5 said that when Ho Chi Minh City introduced a policy of scrapping all fees, District 5 focused on encouraging people to use online public services on different platforms in the district. On top of that, the staff at the one-stop department will show people how to do it online on the computers they have there so that everyone can benefit.

As a result, there's been a rise in the number of people using online administrative procedures. Ms. Anh Nguyet revealed that with online administrative procedures, people can do it themselves at home, and if they get stuck along the way, they can just give the ward or district staff a call and they'll be able to help. If people make a mistake or leave something out, the staff receiving the procedures will take detailed notes for people to fill in.

Director Le Van Thinh of the Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs of Ho Chi Minh City said that to get people and businesses to do their admin online, the department has put people on hand to help out outside the reception and return counter.

At the same time, the Department has created QR codes to integrate 95 administrative procedures and 31 online public services from the department, so people wouldn't have to waste time looking them up on the Ho Chi Minh City public service portal.

Moreover, two kiosks with two computers and one scanner are placed so that people and businesses can look up information to submit online public service applications at the department. Thanks to that, the number of online applications is increasing.

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