“Whole country joins hands for the poor” program to open on October 17

The “Whole country joins hands for the poor” program will be broadcasted live on television via VTV1 and the Voice of Vietnam (VOV) and on television and radio stations nationwide in the Vietnam-Soviet Friendship Labor Culture Palace at 8:10 p.m. on October 17.

At the press conference of the program this morning, Deputy Chairwoman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee Truong Thi Ngoc Anh said that under the policy agreement of the Permanent Secretary the Party Central Committee's Secretariat, the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee will collaborate with the Government to host the live program on television and radio named “Whole country joins hands for the poor” 2022.

At the press conference
The program is one of the practical activities to respond to the emulation movement of “For the poor - Leaving no one behind” launched by the Prime Minister and to launch the peak month of “For the poor in 2022” from October 17, to November 18, 2022.

It is expected that around 1,100 people will join the program this year.

Besides, Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee has sent a message to over 1,000 enterprises to support the program. Accordingly, enterprises, individuals and organizations have registered to donate over VND1,000 billion (over US$41 million) to the fund for the poor and social welfare.

The “Whole country joins hands for the poor” program is hosted annually on October 17 on the occasion of International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. 

The event aims at enriching the political, social and humanistic significance to promote the tradition and spirit of solidarity of the community to care and help the poor to escape from poverty sustainably.

From 2022 up to now, the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee has called for agencies, units, individuals and enterprises to donate to the fund for the poor and social welfare with a total amount of more than VND19,313 billion (US$794 million) although the Covid-19 pandemic has developed complicatedly.

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