Vietnam seeing declining birth rate, gender disparity

Hanoi yesterday organized a meeting to commemorate World Population Day (July 11), themed “Investing in Population Work for Sustainable Development”.

Deputy Director of the Hanoi Department of Health Tran Van Chung is delivering his speech in the meeting

The Hanoi Department of Health reported emerging challenges and shortcomings in population work. The high annual mechanical population growth rate is placing significant strain on the city's population efforts and socioeconomic development. Additionally, lingering gender stereotypes to favor male over female among some residents contribute to the city's high sex ratio at birth, exceeding the national average.

Director Le Thanh Dung of the General Department of Population (Ministry of Health) highlighted that the normal biological sex ratio at birth ranges from 104 to 106 boys per 100 girls. However, Vietnam's current sex ratio at birth is alarmingly high, reaching 110.5 boys per 100 girls, with some localities recording even higher ratios of 114 per 100.

Research further indicates a growing trend of delayed marriage, no desire to marry, reluctance to have children, late childbirth, and fewer children. According to population experts, Vietnam's population growth rate is declining rapidly. While the average population growth rate during 2017-2020 was 1.07 percent, it dropped to 0.98 percent in 2022 and 0.84 percent in 2023, with projections indicating a continued decline in the coming years.

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