Strong southwesterly winds continue to bring in unpredictable weather across the southern provinces, causing immense damage to property and crops, with three fishermen also reported missing in Hon Chuoi Island in Ca Mau Province.

Daytimes have been sunny but afternoons remain cloudy and wet with temperatures dropping to 29-31 degrees celsius.
On July 22, the Steering Committee for Flood and Storm Prevention in Ca Mau Province recorded more damage from the tropical low pressure system, which triggered heavy rains and strong winds to knock down 17 houses and blow roofs off 63 others in Thoi Binh, Cai Nuoc and Tran Van Thoi Districts.
Long lasting rain has also inundated parts of Binh Phuoc Province in the southeastern region. A total of 47 houses, 85 hectares of plantation and seven hectares of fish ponds are badly submerged.
The rains also inundated a 2.8km stretch of road in Tan Dong Ward of Dong Xoai Town.
At present, the waters off the coast of provinces between Binh Thuan and Ca Mau, and the middle and southern parts of the East Sea are very rough and choppy with southwesterly winds blowing at 39 kph.
A low pressure trough has turned up along the central coast to combine with another in mid East Sea, making it rougher, according to the National Hydro Meteorological Forecasting Center.